AAU Herbarium Database

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Collector Balslev, H.
Number 7813
Collected with C. Grandez, G. Criollo, D. Pedersen, L. Stewart, I. Nicolajsen, W. Eiserhardt, D. Lindvig
Country Peru
Subpart Ucayali-Atalaya
Locality About 180 km S of Pucallpa, 15.5 km to the east along a timber-road from Nueva Italia, which on a Río Ucayali oxbow (UTM 8917796 S; 629521 W). Tall rainforest on flat terrace, dominated by Lepidocaryum tenue.
Coordinates 9° 47' 16.9'' S 73° 49' 8.5'' W
Minimum elevation (m) 220
Maximum elevation (m)  
Start date 2008/10/18
End date  /0/0
Family Arecaceae
Identification Geonoma deversa (Poit.)Kunth
Determined by H. Balslev
Identification qualifier  
Field notes Cespitose, erect or ascending, understory palm. Stem 2m long, 2cm thick. Leaves 13 per stem; sheath 10cm, open; petiole 32cm, margined, green; rachis 50cm; lamina 70 x 24cm; pinnae 3 per side, basal 38cm, middle 43cm long, apical 38cm. Inflorescence infrafoliar; prophyll 5cm long; peduncular bract 3cm long, soft, hairy, green, inserted 1cm from base; peduncle 6cm long, 0.5cm thick; rachis 3cm long, branched to 2nd order; rachillae 15, 7cm long, 0.2 thick. Transect HB350-SU50.

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